- Sigh…perhaps why we need fewer quangos – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/10590460.stm #
- FIFA demonstrate their fuck-wittedness yet again. Who the Hell do they think they are? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/10589713.stm #
- RT @iaindale: Am so appalled by both BBC & Sky coverage of the Moat events I have switched off. 24 hour news at its very worst. Ghoulish. #
- So…BBC Journos told by police to get in truck and stay out of way for their own safety. That's why they're still wandering around…. #
- BBC News – hysterical people, hysterical journalists, nothing for sure… Suggest everyone shuts up until they have FACTS! #raoulmoat #
- Suspected all along!! RT @britmic: hahaha http://adscam.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/07/applefreaks-are-dirty-dirty-boys.html #humour #ihope #
- Woohoo! Twhirl working again – whilst Tweetdeck was good, I found it didn't 'invite me' to Tweet! #
- Heading off for blood tests shortly – assuming they can find a vein…. 🙂 #
- RT @Lisaansell: If someone who'll be dead within 20 years says it costs too much to deal with climate change- treat their views as suspect. #
- RT @jackofkent you've no idea how annoying the "private sector = hideous liars v public sector=unbiased saints" thing becomes #
- Client visit this morning and web service development this afternoon! #
- Still having a world of pain with Twhirl…trying Tweetdeck! #
- Anyone else finding Seesmic / Twhirl Twitter Clients a little brain-dead right now? #
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