The last week has shown me how hard it can sometimes be to keep blogging! I’m sitting here with Marvin, our large long haired cat who acts like a dog (i.e. he shakes when wet and sits up with his paws on my lap when he wants attention, then after I stroke him he settles down by my feet!) and am struck by the fact that what is good for business and life in general is not necessarily good for blogging.
At least not the blogging I like to do – I’m wordy. I like writing long articles in this blog. If I have anything shorter to write it goes to Twitter or Facebook these days. No, to me, if it’s worth blogging it’s worth blogging well. I do the odd short piece, but am generally happier with longer pieces and feel that a longer article gives my readers ‘more bang for the buck’. Unfortunately, when work takes off, and family and other responsibilities swallow up time, the blog gets short shrift. Which, I think, is how it should be.
One side project that has taken up time over the last two weeks has been to return to an old site of mine, Coffeehouse Chat. This discussion forum was set up in August 2008 and I closed it in August 2009 after declining usage due to a competing site hitting more right buttons than I was! However, the world turns and I’m considering whether to refurbish and re-open the site with new facilities. By the way – anyone who visits – registration and login is turned off but I would welcome comments about colour schemes, etc. There’s also a nascent user-blogging system being set up at, and a development blog about teh site at .
And then there’s been work. Now, despite what our dear Leaders say, for most small businesses I think it’s safe to say that the recession is still biting our ankles. The major change I’ve found this year has been that the vast majority of my work has been freelance work done from home, rather than regular contract work done ‘on site’. This has been a great thing in some ways but I have to say the more regular (and higher) income from contract work has been missed. So….keeping on top of work has become a major priority – and getting new work is an ongoing job!
And there’s my third sector projects. I’m a Trustee of South Yorkshire Animal Rescue, Treasurer and a Board Director of Hillsborough Forum and am also involved in the activities of Action For Involvement.
And I wonder why I can’t find time to blog….